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MUSD is proud to provide District-owned Chromebooks to all MUSD students. Students benefit having their own device rather than sharing with family members, and many of the District’s specific learning applications only work on Chrome. 

MUSD Chromebooks also come with District purchased security features including Securly, Gaggle, and GoGuardian. Students receive a charging cord and personalized information to assist with computer login and use. Check with your student’s school for Chromebook distribution.  

Wi-Fi Resources

Given the rapidly changing situation regarding COVID-19, school districts are experiencing extreme difficulty locating and purchasing Wi-Fi hotspots.

There are low-cost resources for internet access. If these options are not viable for families, we have a limited number of hotspots we are issuing to families who need them. Please contact your school principal for more information. Parents can also apply for students to attend onsite services if their children need access to the internet. Additional low-cost internet resources: