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The Marana district believes it is the right of every student to be educated in a positive, safe, caring, and respectful learning environment, free from bullying, harassment, and intimidation.Governing Board Policy JICK, “Student Violence /Harassment /Intimidation /Bullying”, sets forth the Board’s expectations through a combination of prevention, intervention, and response to incidents of bullying. 

The District’s commitment to addressing bullying behavior begins with promoting a positive school climate at each school. Administrators, teachers, and school staff strive to build positive relationships with students and families so they feel safe, valued, and supported. Our District-wide integrated behavior system, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support, is instrumental in teaching students respect, responsibility, and accountability from an early age. As part of PBIS, every school establishes clear expectations for the behavior expected in all classrooms and areas of school. Students are explicitly taught these expectations, and schools apply positive reinforcement and consistent consequences. Other school-wide programs include Peaceful Playgrounds, Ben’s Bells, and Healthy Play. 

School counselors and teachers provide age-appropriate lessons designed to instill in students positive interpersonal relationships, mutual respect, and appropriate conflict resolution. The Marana district is one of the few school districts in Pima County which provides school counselors in every elementary and secondary school. Through the school counseling program, school counselors provide the following support for students (guidance lessons, small group counseling, peer mediation, one-on-one intervention as needed, and other activities and programs). 

Everyone needs to be aware not only about the warning signs and effects of bullying, but also about the ways to intervene and provide support. Annually, every employee participates in training specific to preventative measures, procedures for reporting, proactive support, and rights of students. Students and parents are educated through school lessons, activities, and parent handbooks.  

An employee who suspects or witnesses an incident of bullying must immediately report the bullying or suspected bullying to the principal or principal’s designee. A student who is experiencing bullying, or believes another student is experiencing bullying, is to report the situation to the principal or another school employee. A school administrator will investigate all reports of bullying. If the principal determines that bullying has occurred, appropriate discipline will be administered according to District policy. Regardless of the outcome of the investigation the principal will meet with the involved students to review the findings of the investigation and develop an action plan, as applicable, to ensure the needs of the student are met.